Saturday, February 14, 2009

Promises Kept

Even though I strongly believe in working towards balance in all things, especially my work vs home life, this holiday weekend I find myself committed to being in the office to meet and greet the birders participating in The Great Backyard Bird Count and I am reminded why I love this job so much.

It's the people! Not the endless paperwork, or the long meetings, or the many days when I don't even step a toe outside. It's the people who come out, even on a grey day in February, to find the beauty in this park. Their passion and joy for this little green oasis in our community spreads through me with a warm glow. Thanks! It's great to see you.

Spring is rising and the park is filled with the signs. More than one friend has reported their first robin sighting. The photography class tells me they've spied snowdrops.

I'm watching the buds on the trees! Set in the autumn when everyone is distracted by the riot of fall colors, the buds take form. All winter long they sit exposed to the elements, poised, waiting to take advantage of just the right tempertaure, sunlight, and moisture. Ready to burst back into control. It won't be long now.

Check out friend and Teaneck Creek member Marta McDowell's blog. Today she's talking about buds too. And she does it so well!

"The buds, however, are darling. Even more darling in February than May, because of their promise that in a mere five weeks the light will equal the darkness in the great stretch towards Spring."

My valentine gift to you!

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